This page is dedicated to providing information for residents and businesses in our host community of Johnston.
General Nuisance Class Action Suit
Any questions regarding the settlement of the General Nuisance Class Action Suit should be addressed to the General Counsel Firm of Liddle & Dubin, P.C. at 800-536-0045 or info@ldclassaction.com.
Current project updates:
Please click HERE to sign up for our email distribution list to receive project updates directly to your email.
Bin and Collection Questions
Please contact the Town of Johnston directly if you are experiencing problems with your trash or recycling collection, or need recycling bins.
Key Provisions from Resource Recovery:
Per Host Community Agreement:
- No tipping fee on trash
- Annual base payment of $1,815,000 ($1.5M in 2001; increasing 10% every five years)
- Annual payment of 3.5% of our Gross Revenue
- Annual payment of 1.5% of Net Revenue from Landfill Gas
- In-kind street sweeping and litter cleanup in designated areas
- You can download the full Host Community Agreement below
Per RI Law:
- $3 from every non-municipal vehicle tipping at the facility
- 50% of the profit-share from out-of-state recyclables
Per Resource Recovery Facility Policy:
- Johnston Resident Disposal Permits: Residents of the Town of Johnston may apply at Johnston Town Hall for a household waste disposal permit. Download the policy here.
Come See What We Do
We think it's incredibly important for all Rhode Islanders to see what happens when their recycling, leaf & yard debris, and trash leave the curb. We especially welcome residents of our host community to come and see what we do at our facility in Johnston. You can schedule a tour here.
We take odor complaints seriously. Per § 23-18.9-14 (d) we maintain six ambient air monitoring stations in Johnston and nearby Cranston. To report an odor, please fill out this form.