Per § 23-18.9-1 (b)(2), § 23-19-10 (40), and § 23-19-13, cities and towns use a system or facility designated by Resource Recovery, and enter into a contract with us or an entity approved by us. State law requires that refuse and MRF recyclables be brought to Resource Recovery, though municipalities can request a variance for some MRF recyclables to go elsewhere. In addition to no tip fee on MRF recyclables, municipalities receive a below-market rate municipal tip fee on refuse. We allow diversion of other materials (e.g. leaf and yard debris, scrap metal, tires, mattresses, etc.) to facilities other than Resource Recovery. The materials diverted from Resource Recovery may change over time, as technology, laws, and markets change.
Municipal contracts cover a period of two fiscal years. We solicit input from municipal officials in the year prior to contract renewal in order to facilitate necessary updates. New contracts are sent out via email to municipal executives, or their designee, no later than April of the fiscal year preceding a new contract. They must be signed and returned no later than June 30. Failure to return a signed contract can result in the municipality facing commercial charges for waste materials, instead of the preferential below-market rate.
The most up-to-date versions of the contract attachments can be found by following the links below:
- Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Fee Pricing Structure and Procedure
- Rhode Island Resource Recovery Annual Municipal Solid Waste Cap Allotments
- Materials Acceptance Criteria
- Fee Schedule
- Leaf and Yard Debris Cap Sharing Policy & Form
- Municipal Transfer Policy (below)
- Compost Distribution Policy
- Recycling Profit Share Reporting Form
- Municipal Grant Policy
- On-site Customer Safety Policy
You can download a copy of the FY24-25 contract below. For a scanned copy of your city or town’s current contract, signed by your executive, please contact us.