Compost for Sale
Resource Recovery composts much of the state’s leaf and yard debris, and we turn into a Class A Rhode Island compost (see 8.12.A.2) that is safe and effective for all uses. It is also approved by a third party organization using USDA standards for use in certified organic growing. Watch this video about our process, and download detailed usage guidelines below. Compost can be purchased by the bag or by the cubic yard at Resource Recovery during normal operating hours with an accepted form of payment. For purchases by the cubic yard, we will load the material for you; however you will need to bring your own vehicle (preferably a pick-up truck or an open-top trailer). There are no deliveries. The minimum load is a half (1/2) yard of compost. Purchases over 5 cubic yards can be made through our wholesaler, Casella Organics, by calling 1-800-933-6474.
Free Compost for Municipalities and Public Schools
When it becomes available, we offer free compost to municipalities for use in municipal projects and to public schools for use in school projects. Download the Compost Distribution Policy governing this program, below. Don't forget to review our Class A Compost User's Guide below (and given to you with your compost) BEFORE using your compost. URI also has some great gardening resources including their School Garden Initiative.
How Else is RI's Compost Used?
In addition to our direct sales, some of our compost is used onsite for operational purposes, and the rest is marketed wholesale through Casella Organics, for diverse uses, including turf farming, sports field construction, garden center supplies, wetlands restoration, and rooftop gardens.