Give your residents the information they need to recycle, compost, and properly dispose of household hazardous waste.
If you want to share these materials on your own municipal website, please just link to where they live on ours, versus uploading the file directly. This way, your residents will always be directed to the most current version. Simply right click on the links below and choose “copy hyperlink.”
Resource Recovery can supply your DPW office with a small allotment of materials. To request materials, including Recycle Across America standardized mixed recycling labels, please contact us. If you want to have any of these materials printed in large quantities, please contact us to obtain the printer-ready files.
Basic Mixed Recycling
Basic Mixed Recycling (Spanish)
Detailed Mixed Recycling
Household Hazardous Waste
Household Hazardous Waste (Spanish)
Fluorescent Bulbs
Fluorescent Bulbs (Spanish)
Safe Sharps Disposal
Safe Sharps Disposal (Spanish)
Leaf & Yard Composting
Food Scrap Composting
Food Scrap Composting (Spanish)
Free Programs and Services
Free Programs (Spanish)