Resource Recovery collects data annually and measures municipal program success in a variety of ways. The calendar year is used for our annual metrics because not all municipalities share the same fiscal calendar. We produce three key annual documents from this data and publish them around April 1 for the preceding calendar year:
- Municipal Matrix: This spreadsheet displays a condensed version of the data municipalities share with us on an annual basis, allowing comparison of program information across cities and towns. This is very useful for answering such questions as: “How many municipalities have a PAYT program?” “How are others conducting curbside enforcement?" "Who charges fees for bulky waste?" “Who collects rigid plastics at their transfer station or recycling center?” “What other opportunities are there for diverting waste?" and so forth. You can download the current year's spreadsheet below.
- Municipal Summary: This shows detailed information on the tonnages and calculations for the calendar year (CY) recycling and diversion rates. It also includes two charts that show the five-year history of municipal waste management data trends and the tons of municipal waste diverted from the landfill. You can download these from the past five years, below.
- Individual municipal 5-year historical data charts are available by request via email.
- Individual municipal 5-year historical data charts are available by request via email.
- How Is My City or Town Doing?: This is a condensed, two-page document of the above detailed Municipal Summary, and the main source we use to answer questions from the general public and the media about cities’ or towns’ program success. Cities and towns are grouped according to size and service, and within their group are listed alphabetically. It explains that there are various measures we use to compare communities, and that it is best to only compare a community to similar sized communities, or to itself. You can find these from the last five years, here.