2022 Earth Day Art Contest
To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, Resource Recovery will be hosting a youth art contest open to all Rhode Island students grades K - 12! Submissions should showcase the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling here in RI. To help students get their creative juices flowing, below are some suggestions for artwork such as an image that reflects:
- A day in the life of MaxMan, RI's recycling superhero.
- What reducing, reusing and recycling (and "rotting" or compost) means to Rhode Islanders.
- Person/Place/Thing specific to RI that is recreated through commonly recycled items.
- One or more of Resource Recovery's five main operations which are the Central Landfill, Materials Recycling Facility, Leaf and Yard Waste Composting Operation, Eco-Depot for household hazardous waste and Small Vehicle Area for residential drop off. Watch our virtual tour here.
- Misconception that our stuff just goes "away" when it is placed in the trash. It comes to Resource Recovery!
Rules and Submission Instructions
- Entries must be submitted via email to info@rirrc.org. The email should include a picture of the piece of art, the artist's name, phone number, grade level, address, artwork title and short description of the artwork (3-5 sentences).
- Deadline: Entries must be received by 5pm on Friday, April 29, 2022
- Winners will be notified via email by Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Winning artwork will be collected after this date.
- Entries must be the student's original, hand drawn artwork or creation. Traced or copied artwork will not be judged.
- All submitted artwork becomes property of RI Resource Recovery. Through submission of artwork, entrants and their legal guardians grant non-exclusive reproduction and publication rights to the work. All published artwork will be credited with the artist's name.
Contest Prizes
A total of four (4) winners will be selected and their artwork will be framed and displayed at Resource Recovery's facility in Johnston, RI. We will select one (1) overall winner and one (1) winner from each of the following grades (K - 5th), (6th - 8th) and (9th - 12th).
Along with having their artwork displayed at Resource Recovery, winners will be able to select one of the following prizes:
- Four tickets to Roger Williams Park Zoo
- $50 gift card to a local art store of your choice
- Four Tickets on the Blackstone Explorer River Boat Tours for the 2022 season
- Two tickets on Rail Explorers Rhode Island
Questions? You can contact us at www.rirrc.org/contact-us
We look forward to your participation!