Jared Rhodes, Policy and Program Director, jrhodes@rirrc.org
JOHNSTON, RI — On Friday December 8, the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation Board of Commissioners bid a fond farewell to its Executive Director of the past six years, Mr. Joe Reposa. In reflecting on his tenure, Mr. Reposa noted that “he considered himself blessed to have worked with such a considerate, talented and selfless group of professionals”. He went on to explain “how grateful he was for his time with the corporation as it brought out the best in him, but that it was now time for him to begin a new Journey”.
The corporation’s longtime Chairman, Mr. Michael Sabitoni, thanked Mr. Reposa profusely not only on behalf of himself but also on behalf of the Board. “Joe’s leadership was absolutely instrumental in achieving the financial stability from which the corporation now benefits”. “Not only did Joe find a way to fund the extensive capital improvements that were required for expansion of the landfill, but he did so in a manner that left the corporation debt free and returned an additional 10 years of disposal capacity to the people of the State”.
Chairman Sabitoni then went on to introduce Mr. Lou Vergato as the corporation’s Interim Executive Director. Mr. Vergato has over 30 years of Resource Recovery experience having risen through the ranks of Materials Recycling Facility Operations Maintenance Supervisor, Fleet Manager, and Chief Operating Officer. “I look forward to applying the operational, logistical, managerial, and budgetary skills that I have honed while here at the corporation to this new challenge and I ensure you I will dedicate myself one hundred percent to the task at hand until such time that the next Executive Director is formally seated” said Mr. Vergato.
Picking up on this point, Chairman Sabitoni closed by noting that he would lead the search for the next Executive Director. He noted that he would do so with the full participation of those members of the Board that wished to join the Search Committee and that the Committee would be supported not only by previous Executive Director Reposa and Interim Executive Director Vergato, but also by Resource Recovery’s full Senior Management Team and Human Resources Department.