Resource Recovery worked with City of Providence to launch a recycling campaign that spanned January to April 2022 in an effort to reduce contamination in the city’s mixed recycling program. On average, over the past five years, the City of Providence was required to spend an additional $1 million each year on something that could have been avoided. What was it? It was approximately 11,000 tons or 1,700 truckloads of mixed recycling that was rejected due to contamination. To learn more about the campaign tactics used you can download the information below.

Digital Media Campaign
Short videos in both English and Spanish were created on the topics of why recycle matters, what is accepted in RI's mixed recycling program, and keeping plastic bags and film out of the recycling stream. Videos were played on streaming services, social media and the web. Videos can be viewed on Resource Recovery's YouTube page. Banner ads promoting Rhode Island's waste sorting game were also placed on the web and social media. An example of the banner ad can be downloaded below.

Resident Mailer and Magnet
Providence residents received an introductory letter in both English and Spanish that provided specific information regarding the state of recycling in their community and information on how to recycle properly. The letter is available for download below. Also included in this mailer was a 8.5" x 5.5" magnet of RI's mixed recycling label.