Resource Recovery is governed by a Board of Commissioners. Per § 23-19-6, it consists of nine members: eight from the general public (three of whom must reside in the Town of Johnston) and the Director of the RI Department of Administration, or his/her designee. The Governor of the State of Rhode Island submits a list of Board nominees to the Rhode Island Senate for their Advice and Consent. The Senate conducts hearings in either the Judiciary Committee or in the Environment and Agriculture Committee, which if the nominees are approved, passes the names on to the full Senate for confirmation. Commissioners serve until they are nominated for another term or are replaced.
The Board employs an Executive Director to administer, manage, and direct the offices and business of Resource Recovery, subject to the policies, control, and direction of the Commissioners. The Executive Director reports to and is accountable directly to the Board, pursuant to Resource Recovery's by-laws.
Board of Commissioners
- Michael F. Sabitoni of Johnston (Chairman)
- Diana Ducharme of Cranston (Treasurer)
- Hon. Charles Lombardi of North Providence
- Taylor Russo of Johnston
- Arnold Vecchione of Johnston
- Director of RI Department of Administration (Ex-officio)
You can download the current year's meeting schedule here. Unless otherwise posted, regular meetings are held at 9:00 AM on the third Thursday of each month, and subcommittee meetings are held prior to regular meetings, at 8:00 AM. Meetings take place in the boardroom of our administration building, You can find all of our public meeting notices, agendas, and minutes here by filtering for "Resource Recovery Corporation, Rhode Island" under Public Bodies.