Jared Rhodes, Policy and Program Director, jrhodes@rirrc.org
Jared Rhodes, Policy and Program Director, jrhodes@rirrc.org
Resource Recovery works diligently to protect our surrounding environment and the animals that inhabit it. In August 2022, we became the newest host of a radio receiver as part of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System program.
2022 Earth Day Art Contest
To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, Resource Recovery will be hosting a youth art contest open to all Rhode Island students grades K - 12! Submissions should showcase the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling here in RI. To help students get their creative juices flowing, below are some suggestions for artwork such as an image that reflects:
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Resource Recovery has launched virtual education programs! If your school, group, or organization is looking to learn more about how to recycle right, prevent food waste, or compost, schedule a virtual presentation with one of our educators today!
Resource Recovery is pleased to introduce its new ‘Ready, Set, Sort!’ game to help you learn how to dispose of your stuff here in Rhode Island. Click HERE to play!
Due to recent limitations on public gatherings, Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (Resource Recovery) has canceled the Eco-Depot household hazardous waste collection scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 2020 at Warren DPW.
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and we can’t wait to virtually celebrate with you! MaxMan, RI’s recycling superhero, is inspiring you to find your inner superhero and create or do something in honor of Earth Day. Each day until May 1, we’ll post a daily challenge (10 total) on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. For a chance to be featured, share your photos by tagging @rirrc and don’t forget to use #EarthActsWithMax.